Cellular Modem common problem — DNS LOOKUP

With Cellular Modems being used more and more, the common problem is:

Address not Found Address not Found

This is something that comes with any ISP the DNS lookup problem. In which your connection acts like a VPN connection, it connects to a cell tower and then gets transported to the nears server and then goes on the internet. The Server does the DNS lookup for you and send you to the right page. There seems to be a problem with my Cellular DNS server because it doesn’t have a complete list and if it doesn’t know where you to go you get that screen.

[ad#cricket-right-ez]So I found an easy way to fix this problem. I have been using my Host file to tell my computer the IP of the server that I am having the problem. So how do I find out the Ip of the server? This can be a problem to an extent.

I found that visiting the OpenDns.com Cache check will tell me the internet protocol of the server for the time but it could change. I just edit the host file manually and insert the need information by hand. Like I said the IP may change from time to time depending on where you are going or if it is a big server. The servers ip will rotate to help the bandwidth and keep it even on all servers, so this only works with servers that have a Static IP.

There is a program that will help you manage your host file it’s called Hostman and this does makes editing your Host file a little more easily. I have used this and I haven’t found anything that does do anywhere better than this. If you have a suggestion on a good Host Manager, please tell people in the Forums or leave a comment. I’d love to hear some good programs to help update the Host file more easily.


  1. my modems splash screen is normal, then the interface screen comes up,(connect button,email,internet buttons etc…
    the modem returns an error message NO DEVICE yet it lets me connect and works great on the net, but won't let me use the chat button(letter symbol at the bottom left of screen).any ideas?
    Charles Forest Jackson

  2. my modems splash screen is normal, then the interface screen comes up,(connect button,email,internet buttons etc…
    the modem returns an error message NO DEVICE yet it lets me connect and works great on the net, but won't let me use the chat button(letter symbol at the bottom left of screen).any ideas?
    Charles Forest Jackson

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