In today time Spammers are really trying to get people to open emails. I was checking my spam folder making sure I didn’t have anything in there that shouldn’t be when I saw this email. I was curious like everyone else who see’s this message, because why would yu need a chemist? So for fun I open it up and find the message.
For instants:
The Link leads me to this:
Now I know some people are needed these types of pills to keep the Mojo going, but I must warn people that these sites are dangerous. Just like this email the spammer used something so unusal and still kept the truth in the header.  I’m not sure I’d want to buy anything from Russland, Or Sosonovy Bor.
I will tell you this, from my own experience with these types of drugs, you must be careful what you prescriptions you take. One drug can interact with another drug and make you sick or possible even kill you.  That is why it is so important to see your doctor and get the right medication for you needs. These mojo drugs can increase blood pressure or have some side effect that you can’t handle or tolerate. So when these spammers want you to buy Cialis or Vigra, I encourage you not to. You will be far better off going to your doctor and getting the right presicription then buy these over the internet. Who knows if they are this shady with emails, would you trust them with your credit card? I wouldn’t, that is for sure.