I read Chris Prillo’s Blog about this and wanted to investigate this even more. When you go to this site it looks like:
When you go here the web address is : http://twitter.access-logins.com/login/ and it looks like it was a redirect form the blogspot.com site.  so what I did an experiment and just took off /login/ on the address and this pops up:
This website looks to like a facebook website so now you have to ask where is this at: Hunan China. After I did a whois look up it looks like China is at it again. These are trying to get on to your account to either spam or use it to get people to install software.  So what are things you can do? If you have a question about this always check it out. That is why I like to check everything out with these types of phishing scams.  I don’t know why they want twitter accounts, I just know they are doing this now.  So if you get this message:
hey! check out this funny blog about you… jannawalitax . blogspot . com
Just ignore it and possibly blog the twitter account. That is probably a bot or someone’s account been hacked and is no longer valid.  I’ll leave that up to you on how you handle that account.  This is to warn people about this account and warn people. Help Protect your password with Roboform, don’t just use one password for all accounts. It also seems to be possible worm, if you think your infected check out my resource on remove the worm. Here’s the link to that talks about this being a worm.