Everglide S500 White Gaming Headphones

  • White Gaming Headphones
  • Optimal Noise Isolation without Compromising on Audio Quality
  • Unique Circumaural Earmuff Design Provides an Extremely Comfortable Fit
  • Optimized for Millisecond Feedback to Provide Gaming Response
  • 2.0 Lbs (WxLxH) 7.5 x 9.0 x 4.0

List Price: $79.99

Customer reviews

Excellent headphones  5
I bought these headphones off of woot.com, and they are just simply amazing. They are very comfortable, and I have never heard my music sound this good. I bought a pair on woot for 20 bucks, and they are definitely worth a lot more than that. These come with a nice thick extra long cord, a nice carrying bag, and a microphone to clip on and hook up. No problems so far, I am really satisfied with my purchase.

I saw this and wanted to let people know just how nice these look.  I saw this on Amazon.   These are great for Gamers they aren’t as portable as the smaller headphones but they will at least give the gamer the best chance of surviving a game due to the feedback that it provides.   It also has a great noise isolation so you don’t have to worry about hearing a lot of outside noise.   I thought this was so cool for gamers.

Everglide S500 White Gaming Headphones (EG04-04E022-02)