In an unprecedented display from Hulu. You can now watch your favorite shows in HD with no Advertising. This is a limited time, so go watch them without the worry. Some of the ones that are being offered are:
- The Office – Goodbye, Toby In HD
- Dr. Horrible Sing Along Blog In HD
- 30 Rock – Cooter
- Heroes – Powerless
- 24 – 10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
I just found this out today and thought I’d share them with everyone else. It looks like they will be putting more Higher Quality into Hulu. If you want to check out the others HD shows or clips go check out the HD Gallery
There are sure to to be even more developments in the future with other shows. I hope to see even more shows and movies. Unlike the others if you want them to add others please email them telling them you want others in HD. If you have any ideas on what others shows or movies to put in HD, you can always leave a comment and start a discussion on which ones you would like to see come to Hulu.