Putting Linux on a Vista machine isn’t hard, actually the program I like to use to do it is:
So why use it for Vista? Here’s the answer. When you use it for Vista you don’t have to have a seperate partition.
As you can see you put it on one drives in a directory. It installes it without having to have a Linux partition. It will download the ones you want:
As you can see you can install 4 different Ubuntu Distro’s without having to have a linux partition. I’ve heard some people say, that you actually cheating Linux but I say it’s not cheating, it’s a necessary. I have to be able to use Linux from time to time because of people use it from time to time!! It does not matter the how much you use it, it is the essence of using it.
Although this isn’t only a Vista program it actually works on Windows XP, 98, and 2000. So go check this little program out. Tell me what you think of it, I actually like this little program.