Turn Vista into a Power Tool!!

I’ve been thinking of some other cool things you can do with Vista and here are some of them!!

As you see, this little program can make command line shortcuts. All you have to do is go to the start menu search bar and type in a shortcut command and it will run a nice little script. It is a real nice shortcuts.

Snipping Tool

If you need something to capture a portion of a screen in vista. You have a nice little capturing program. It’s call snipping tool, and it isn’t readily available. You can get to it by hitting the start Menu and typing “Snip” in the vista Search bar. It is really nice not to have to download a program for making screen shots.

Super Root Administrator

Now if you’re a Linux user your understand the value of this little secret. Vista has a Super Root Administrator available to use but deactivated and if you use this you must be understand this is for people who need to have an Admin Account that can do more than just an Administrator, so Here is how you do it. Type Cmd in the search bar, (star menu), and right click on cmd.exe and run as Admin, then you type this in prompt. “Net user administrator /active:yes” in the command prompt. Now after you activate, you will need to make it unprotected by selecting a password for this after wards. If you want to disable this account you do the same stuff first then this : “Net user administrator /active:no” on the Command line. That will turn it off. I hope this helps you out when you use Vista.