Twitter is breaking down

Man down!

Around 11 am in San Francisco, our main database db006, crashed because of too many connections. We have to put the service into an unscheduled maintenance mode to recover. Folks will see degraded service for the next few hours.

We’ll keep you updated here and in Satisfaction.

[Via Twitter Blog]

So as you can see they are having a lot of problems at twitter. They are talking about the the API Project taking to much bandwidth and to much processing power. It’s got to be a combination of the two. They are melting and they can’t seem to figure out why. Of course they are say they know why, but if they are having this much problems constantly then why can’t they fix it. So I’ve been playing around with FriendFeed to see if it can compare to Twitter. I would love to hear if people are getting mad at Twitter or if they are use Friendfeed more and more often. I see no reason why people will keep accepting twitter if they don’t fix these problems really soon. Just my opinion.

Some videos from FF Scobleizer
Why Gillmore hates Friend Feed!!

Why Gillmore is wrong about conversation cycle (language is offensive for some)