Latest Study Confirms Cox Traffic Shaping; Comcast Misleading Again

A bunch of folks have been submitting various news reports claiming the “news” that Cox is traffic shaping just like Comcast is — but that’s hardly news. We had a story about that last November. What is a bit more interesting out of the same study (though, not very surprising) is the news that Comcast has been less than forthright in explaining what it’s doing. While Comcast denied any traffic shaping for the longest time, when it finally ‘fessed up (just a bit) it said that it only used traffic shaping during peak hours. However, the research suggests otherwise. After testing a bunch of users at various times, this new study found no noticeable difference in blockages based on time.

[Via Techdirt]

I wanted to warn people any ISP could be doing this it’s just how much they want to bother doing it. They can do that to almost anything.