Best of Tech-linkblog

So I’ve been thinking of what do next with the blog. It suddenly came to me, review what I’ve written and explore some my help posts and see if I can’t get even a better blog post going!! I’ve been so busy with a bunch of areas here are some things to consider:

This is one of my favorite post because it talks about hacking, err better not say that, using the command line for steam and make Half Life 2 more enjoyable. You see I’ve had problems with IGFX and Half Life 2. So I decided to tell people how to fix it, and People are constantly coming to my blog to read this article.


This little Article was those who were having problems with Vista and Enemy Territories. I created this article to also help people play Enemy territory multi-player game. People also come to mine to look at this one. Also it seems to be very popular with people wanting to know how to get some old games to work with Vista.

So I was getting inspired on this one. People were having problems with this little skype text and some bot trying to trick people into thinking they had a virus. I decided I would write this page to better make people aware of other ways to find out if you had a virus. There are some good tips and suggestions on this one.


As you can see I’ve done my research on this one. I’ve got a laptop with Vista Premium on it and have gotten my battery life to be to be extended to last around 2 1/2 hours. Not all the good but it is really good for those slightly long drives and other such things. I hope people find this as informative as I do.

This One was because of Alertscan on Skype trying to do what other scams do. They want you to install software and malware. So I did a post on this one as well.

I hope you enjoyed these post and soon there will be more. I’ve been doing some research on Vista SP1 and will have tips and tricks it also. Until Next time. (Same bat channel, same bat time!!)
