Google is Profiling you, Watch yourself!!

They’re coming and it will be difficult to get away without having one. Google Profiles will be integrated in most Google services so you have a coherent identity and a simple way to manage your contacts.

“A Google Profile is simply how you represent yourself on Google products — it lets you tell others a bit more about who you are and what you’re all about. You control what goes into your Google Profile, sharing as much (or as little) as you’d like.”\
[Via Google Blog]

As you can see, Google is trying to make this work with the open social network. So people can see your profiles more clearly. This however worries me. We do not know who sees it and we do not know what they do with this information. It’s something you have to be careful about, because of the possibility of getting your Identity stolen. I wouldn’t put to much in your profile or at least I hope google allows you to opt in or opt out this little idea of theres. What do you think, should we be able to OPT IN or should it be an OPT out?