Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player: $100, this Friday, Wal-Mart

Still waiting to jump into the high def disc game? Or just wanted another weaker, cheaper player for the last-gen TV you phased out to your rumpus room? Well, whatever your reasons, some (not all!) Wal-Mart locations will be selling Toshiba HD-A2s for $100 — down from $200 — this Friday. Ridiculous, we know. Blu-ray gonna fight back? We hope so, we’d really like to get our hands on one for under $300, and not just by using our hookup that sells gear out of his trunk, you know?

Wouldn’t you know it the day they do this is the day I’ve got to pay bills!! Oh well, Don’t have an HD Tv so that isn’t going to be a big deal.