Microsoft did WHAT to Google?

Microsoft smears Chrome OS!

In the lastest attempt by the Microsoft, who seems content to throw mud and some fud over the Chrome OS.   Microsoft got a hold of the Scroogle Domain in late 2012 and has been holding onto it eversince.   Scroogle was an attempt to keep advertising and secured search going through Google but was not sponsored by Google.  It Ended in early 2012 due to throttling and DDOS attacks.   I don’t know this sounds suspciously like Microsoft wanted that domain, it wouldn’t surprised me if that was the case.  Some of the things that I just are not happy about this little campaign of theirs is these facts.

No easy way to print!

This one was an obviously no brainer for me, when I bought this Acer Chrome book because I really don’t have any reason to print anything and if I did, I can go to a library or to Kinkos to print what is needed to print.   I am not going to go into detail because when I did m FAQ section about the Chrome OS.   I was pretty much thinking Microsoft is worried because they will loose so much profit from Windows.   A Small fact for those who think Windows 8 can print, not without some jumping through some hoops will you be able to print.

NPD and that elusive 21% figure!

NPD published an article about how Chrome Books have a 21% sales in 2013.   I tend to think this may be a little low but that is probably because people don’t really advertise they bought the Chrome OS and thus it will grow in the coming years, I am sure of it.   You see, the reason I bought this laptop was a really serious question for me.   One of money, one of Security and Battery life, each of these were a value for me and I did like any person who buys a laptop.   I reasearched it long and hard, and new what i would be facing and what my limitations were going to be.   So I didn’t not walk into this half handed.

No windows 8!

I only had two options one with Windows 8 or Chrome OS.   I only had around 300$ to use to buy a new laptop with my other laptop breaking down.  Don’t get me Wrong, I had no problems with Windows 7 but from the way I was reading it with Windows 8.   I just didn’t want to have to worry about all those major problems associated with the release of the that operating system.  I am sure I am not alone in this venture because this had many features of Windows 7 and how to approach the problem.   

Resolution for Microsoft!

Hey Microsoft, if your really worried about loosing the sales and money from your consumers, then you should come up with an easy way to dual boot a Chrome OS and Windows 8 into one cheap laptop like this one and thus we can have access to everything we may ever need.   A Good browser when we need it and ways ways to print and download movies when we want to!  Hey now there is a concept that would make everyone happy.   Also, it shouldn’t cost an arm or leg to buy a Windows machine because you will still make money in other areas besides licensing!  

So I tell you this right now, Microsoft you are no long the Alpha dog in my life and you will just have to learn your new place in this changing world!   Until you learn you will always be on the sidelines!


Why your Facebook account got hacked and how to secure it!

You’ve Probably seen:

Help me!!! the house was broken into lastnÑ–ght, i caught the theÑ–ves stealing our stuff on our securitу cameras! Do уou happen too recognize them?  (Some link such as Tumblr)

I know it is the hardest thing to understand but when it comes to getting your Facebook account, getting into your account is the most valuable for them.   Most of the time it is used to mine data such as your personal information or so they can become you but that it’s always the case.   It is sometimes the case that a spammer wants to get those click’s from your friends and you be the one who gets in trouble with Facebook.   It isn’t always the case though.   More than anything hackers or some call the crackers want to get your account to make money somehow.  99% of the time that is the case the other 1% is someone who wants to just be a wise guy and show you he did it!

Well it happened!

You probably like the rest of the people asking how do I prevent this in the future first thing first.  You need to change your password on your Facebook account.  Once you have your account back you will then need to end all activity on your facebook account besides the device your logged into and that means you will need to update your password on all devices.   

The Easiest way to end all activity on your facebook account is:

Settings — > Account Setting —>  (Click) Recongnized Devices —> (Then) End All activity

Before you start putting the password in to all those devices maybe it is time to use a good Password manager to do just that, I recommend Lastpass because it is has everything you need to help keep hackers out of your account.   You should use a minium 20 character length and make it as random as possible.   This is what I have used to keep people from guessing my password although it is good way to help prevent Phishing attacks from sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets!

Setup a 2 Authentication factor!

In some ways this has been the hardest for people to understand and to want to use because it slows down people logging into their account but it also makes it that much harder for someone to get into your account because they have to know your validation code.   This will help you keep your privacy and security safe.  There is a great tutorial on how to do it, and I use it with the Google Authenticator myself!

Review your Timeline!

It might not be needed but you never know what the hacker posted on your timeline or your activity and you should carefully check it out from the time you thought you got compromised to now.  You never know what has been posted or said about your until you do a complete inventory of damage control.  Delete any posts that you didn’t do and remove those from your time line.   Just look for a little X on the upper right corner.

Finally Review your security Settings!

Go back through your security settings and make sure the hacker didn’t enable something that you might regret later on.   For instants your timeline being public or your phone number or something that you don’t want anyone other than friends or family to know.  There are few places where you should check and maybe change if need be and they are:

Settings —> Privacy Settings

Settings —> Account Settings —> Timeline And Tagging

Settings —> Account Settings —> (-)Blocking

You never know what the hacker did to either unblock someone or change something that you had put private.   So this is what I call damage control.   This will keep you safe and secure, but remember the only way to truly be safe is watching what you do online and keep that information private as long as possible.

Best Tips and Tricks for your ZTE AWE!

Common questions!

I’ve been getting a few common questions and thought this was a good time to discuss a few of them and help you increase your productivity on your ZTE AWE phone.   Each one of these tips is good to use for your phone to help you make it easier to get what you need to get done with your phone.  This phone is 4.1.2 Android (Jelly Bean).   

TIP 1: Keep your Phone updated

If you haven’t already, you should check to make sure you ZTE AWE is updated in several areas.   You can easily do this by hitting the 3 dashes on the phone that look like a small bar graph.   Then select “System Settings” and scrolling all the way to the bottom of the screen.   You will select “System Updates”.  Once your their you will find 4 options: 

  • Update PRL
  • Update Profile
  • Update ZTE Software
  • Update Firmware

Each one these can help you in several areas.  First question people ask me is what is a PRL it is “Preferred Roaming List” and can be very useful to keep your signal strength at highest possible strength for your location.   You should do this from time to time or when you have done a hard reset to get put keep your phone updated to any new cell towers in your area.  

Updating your Profile basically helps you keep your phone validated with the network.   You should occasionally keep it updated to make sure you have the latest codes for your phone to be able to communicate with the cell towers and for you to be able to use their services.   This can be quite useful if your experiences some problems with connectivity problems with your 3g service.

Update ZTE Software is a form of drivers that you need to use to have your phone work with Jelly Bean.   I am sure there are some Cyangen Mods out there that can get around this but I am not really concerned with using a mod right now.  As you know it is another layer to the Android community for them to have some for of ownership of their phones.   Nothing you can do about it but you should keep that updated just in case there is something new you can use with your phone.

Update Firmware can be very useful if your just bought your phone and you wanted the latest version of Android on your phone.   You will get updates from the provider if there is an OTA (Over The Air) update that is available for your device but those aren’t very reliable and thus you can check manually.  Who knows you might someday be able to use the Android 4.3 or 4.4 the Kit Kat Versions!

Tip 2: Multiple Folders and Groups

The nice thing about Jelly Bean and above on the android devices is that you can now have folders on your  home screen and any other menu area you are wanting to put it.   On the ZTE you have 4 spots that you can have a permanent folder.  The Home bar as I call it can be easily used to keep those folders of apps that help you on your phone.   I’ve got a Social Folder with Facebook, Twitter, and any other social app that I want.   I also have several different phone apps that allow me to do stuff like Google Voice.   I even have a games folder so I do have to go back to the home screen to play games that I use offten on my device like Words With Friends.

If you would like to add or remove icons on the bottom bar, just press on the icon shortcut and hold for a second or two and then move it to where ever you wanted to move it to.   If you happen to delete an important shortcut just find them in the apps menu.   That is the Circle with 4 small squares in it!  

TIP 3: Adding a VPN

If your are worried about people spy on you on public or when you use your phone.   You can have a VPN on the phone.   You can use something like VPN4ALL but if your wondering what a VPN is, check out my article on the subject.   If you value your privacy you will want to read both articles to better understand how to use a VPN.   

Adding a VPN is easy, just hit the menu key (3 Bars) and then select:

System Settings  —-> More —-> VPN —-> Add VPN

There are sever different options to setting up a VPN on the ZTE AWE but I recommend the L2TP/IPSec PSK or the IPSec Xauth PSK ones.   They may not be NSA backdoor but I can’t be 100% sure about that.   I do not recommend at all to use the PTPP for VPN because that is not the best idea for keeping people out!

More to Come!

It seems this will be a good one to come back to in the coming weeks.   I will post even more tips and tricks in the coming weeks and if you haven’t subscribed to my RSS Feed or my Email list.  If you don’t you might miss a valuable tip or trick for your ZTE AWE or some other device that I’ve talked about in the past!


Note to Self: Keep a Backup with you at all times!

Chrome OS Back ups!

The story was a simple one, I went to friends house to use their wifi with my Acer Chromebook and I got an update reminder on my system for a update to the Chrome OS.   It seems that it was a beta version of the software that was the problem.  I’m a tinkerer at heart and you can change it from three different versions:

  • Stable
  • Beta
  • Developer — Unstable


You can change to anyone of these simply by going to chrome://help/ and then clicking more info.  

Use it at your own risk!

As you can see you have a choice to try out the ones that aren’t very stable and might cause problems.   This is where I must grab my foot and stick it in my mouth.   I was trying the beta version of the Chrome OS to see what might be coming out in a few months.   I usually don’t have problems with a beta version of any Operating system but this last update for the Chrome OS Beta just made my computer boot and then just got to a white screen and it would just hang there for several minutes and then it would reboot.   Well I didn’t have my backup restore flash drive with me and was trying everything  I could come up with to get it running.   Finally I broke down and borrowed my friends 4gb flash drive to create a restore of the my Parrot CoffinFish E3181 ISO (Use at your own risk) that I made back a few weeks ago, just in case!  I used that to create a restore flash drive on my friends Windows system.  If you are looking for the tool to make one for your system, you can check out Google Page on that!

Restore Switch on the Acer!

I was searching long and hard to find this elusive restore switch to boot into the restore option of the Chrome OS.   Apparently after looking hard and long the simple way to do this is just hit the ESC-F3-POWER button at the same time.   There is no actual button you have to push to get into the restore mode.   At least that is how I got into the restore mode on my Acer Chrome Book!   

Truth Be Told!

I should of had my USB drive with me at all times but I didn’t have a good way to keep it with me at times.   I am now in search for a way to have a key chain USB to do just that.   Be able to put it on my key chain to take with me every place  I go and thus won’t have to worry about this next time around!   I am sure this won’t be the last time since I am always going to be a beta tester.

The 5 Duck Dynasty, all in the Row! Learning from the Past!

The Ducklings all quacking!

I have been seeing a lot of chatter about the Duck Dynasty and how Phil Robertson was removed benched indefinately.   I usually don’t like to way in on these things but I feel I must at least try share my two cents on this subject.   I will tell you, I support what all the family has said in their statements and even though it has been 5 long seasons with this show.   I must say if this is it, then so be it.   We’ve had a lot of people up in arms over this, from the gay and lesbian community to the Christian community.   I am one who not hide anything, I am a Christian and I have thought long and hard on this subject, constantly seeing what people are saying and trying to come to a understanding.   The question that I must ask myself and ask you is this “What would Jesus Do?” in this situation?   

Everyone has an Opinion!

If God were our one and only desire we would not be so easily upset when our opinions do not find outside acceptance.”  Thomas à Kempis — The Imitation of Christ!

So we have people throwing opinions that we should not accept but still love them.   The important question at hand is how do you love someone who will not listen.   I think the only way you could make it happen is Mark 12:31, because once you learned to love them with all your heart and soul and Mind, you have greater power than just trying to love them from afar!   I have a feeling this will all work in the long run but until it does, we will need to do three things!

Speak Softly!

One thing that You will need to learn is that if your yelling at people, it usually isn’t heard.  We have this really good nack of subconsciously of ignoring what is being yell at us about.   I have learned if you whisper, it is likely to be heard because people will strain to and listen to what you have to say.   So the easiest way to get someone to listen to your is just to drop your town and speak really softly!

Show Support!

This one seems almost a No brainer to me at least, but if you want to make a really good point and have them change their decision.   Go buy their products from places that won’t support A&E directly.   You can go to several places and show your support and make A&E rethink their decisions.   I am going to show you a few places you can show support.


  • CafePress — They have some great Duck Dynasty and We Support Phil decals/sweaters/Shirts and everything you might want to buy to show support.   
  • Amazon US — This is another good place to go to by those We support Phil materials again.  

Give Unto Ceasar

This one is bittersweet, if you really want this show to continue and show your support.   You must look at the Bible and it has a very clear understanding of this.   Matt 22:16-21 says it best, if there is tax then pay that tax.   This go without say, but if you really want the show to continue we have to show as much as support as we can possibly show in a Godly way and not in a vengence but in love.   You should consider buying all seasons of Duck Dynasty and on whichever device you have to show your support.   A&E will see just how much they could loose if the show doesn’t go on and thus we can change that decision even more by making a clear point on how much you like the shows.   You can buy the season on Video on Demand or on DVD but this one is a must to make a real impact on if this show is to continue.  


  • Amazon — I must warn you, that Amazon is a sponsor of my blog and thus anything you buy using that link I get a little compenastion, but it cost you nothing!
  • Google — Google Only has Season 4 but hopefully they will get the rest later.   I have a Google Android and thus it is good for watching on my devices like this!
  • Itunes — Apple has all 4 seasons, so you should consider buying those and whenever 5th one comes out buying that one too!

Again take this as you like, I am no preacher but this is all sound advice from someone who has been working this problem and this is probably the only way it will actually get A&E or some other channel to pickup the show!