According to Techcrunch we have one phishing site ground around peoples inboxes on facebook with it say “Check”. You go to the site and you will think your at the facebook login but your not. I wouldn’t suggest going to any of these sites, it has been reported by Phishtank.
[ad]Some of the sites to avoid today are : “,,,” each site will make you think your at facebook but this is what most will call a [intlink id=”3419″ type=”post”]Phishing scam[/intlink]. Some other things to avoid are some Twitter phshing going on today as well.
According to Trend Micro there is one where the url looks like it is a twitter url but isn’t (tvviter[dot]com). The site is what people would call a typosquatting site.  This makes people think they are on twitter but aren’t.  If you go to these to sites and have given out your passowrd, it is strongly recommended that your reset them:
If you would like to know more about what phsihing is please check out my blog for more information. Don’t forget to check out the forums for more information on this or just to talk about anything on your mind.
*Some reports I am seeing is some of these sites might be trying to get you to install the [intlink id=”2249″ type=”post”]Koobface virus [/intlink]so please be careful, will update when I find out more.*