So I got the Modem and wanted to test out the speed being stationary, So I go to my usual site look at the speed, check below for speed.
As you can see this went fairly well. It does depend on your Cricket Coverage area. So you want to hear all about it.
First thing if you are upgrading from the UM100 Broadband Card, You’ll want to uninstall the Quicklink Software. To do that you can uninstall it by going to:
Computer > C: Drive > Program Files > Cricket > Quicklink > UNWISE.EXE
(This will uninstall the Quicklink software, I’d suggest after you uninstall it you reboot.)
How does the USB Modem work?
Once you do that you can then insert the A600 Modem into your USB. The Nice thing about this is the software for the Modem is on the Modem itself, so you don’t loose the CD for the modem. It currently only supports Windows and MAC OSX operating system but I have seen there is a work around to use the A600 Modem with Linux if your wondering.Once you insert it into the USB you’ll find you have a new Drive. It will say a Cricket CD Drive with 24 megs used. You’ll want to run that program on the Cricket CD and that will install the software.
The Connection

As you can see this is the provided application to connect to the Cricket Network and the speed and signal strength can differ from location to location due to coverage areas. This application can do several different functions:
- Connecting to Cricket
- Text Messaging (Free with broadband connection)
- Bandwidth Monitor (Helps makes sure you don’t use to much Bandwidth, they do have a soft cap of 5 gig’s but haven’t affected me yet.)
- Statistics, this is good for those who want to try to get the most out of the modem.
- Logs, Also good for those who want to keep track on how much they used the modem. It however only logs activity on the system it is connected to.
- Activation — Seems to help get updated tower positions when your traveling and can be done as long as you can get a signal
Pro’s to this EVDO MODEM:
- [intlink id=”3174″ type=”post”]Memory Slot[/intlink] to have backups on files in case the worst case scenario happens (1 to 4 Gigbyte Capabilities)
- Speed and Bandwidth (See above for speed test)
- No loosing CD — I have the [intlink id=”3067″ type=”post”]program files[/intlink] online if you need them.
- Independent card reader without having to install the Modem Software.
- Able to take the modem with you as you go. (There is a clip slot for you to carry it anywhere you go.)
- Found out there is an External antenna connector and will be looking at Antenna’s for it in the future.
- Swivel USB port, You can swivel it up or down 90 degrees or side to side 180 degrees. (X and Y Axis)
- If you use it primarily internet you’ll expect some slow downs from time to time during HIGH Peak Zones.
- This has a dormant signal feature that I will have to figure out how to disable but easily fixed by reconnecting to the tower. You can get out of dormant mode by web surfing, just load up your browser and the dormant mode will go away.
Twitter Comments:
@Laforge129 I sure am trying out the Cricket broadband.!I just started it last week and so far it never ceases to amaze me! (Via Twitter)
Clicker here to buy it now.
Check out my Extended Review of the A600 and All the programs that I added to my 4 gig MicroSD Card.
If you want to comment on the A600 just twitter me and tell me what you think. Maybe you’ll twitter will be on my review site.