List of fake Antivirus Sites for July 27, 2009

I have found some other sites that are fake Antivirus:


  • (Rouge AntiMalware Software)
  • ([intlink id=”3713″ type=”post”]Scareware site[/intlink])
  • ([intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus[/intlink])
  • ([intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus[/intlink])

Most of these sites try to scare you into either installing software or buying their fake software.   Some of these sites have used exploits to install a Trojan or two to have your browser redirect to these sites.   This means that there might be more than one virus or Trojan on your system

Threat to System : Moderate


Advice : Do a Complete system scan and make sure you don’t have any more hidden malware.

I recommend :


Fake Security Adviser from

I saw this come in my way and I thought I would share it:


Here is a site that is another scareware attempt from the makers of [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus[/intlink].   They do this to get money from unsuspecting users who think this will protect there system but the truth of the matter, they are either trying to get you to install even more Malware or buy a program that doesn’t do what it claims.   You should never buy from a site you do not know anything about and you should never install software from a site you have no knowledge of

Threat to System : Critical


Advice : Do a Complete system scan and make sure you don’t have any more hidden malware. This has altered your browser and can be monitoring your system and should be taken off your system. You should consider your system compromised until you clean your system.

I recommend :


List of Malware Sites for July 26, 2009


These malware authors have been busy and made a few new sites to scam people here they are, Remember these sites are active and should be avoided:

  • ( Scareware Protection System)
  • (Personal Antivirus Scareware)

These sites listed try to get you to download a program sometimes called install.exe, Setup.exe, and are most likely just a way to get you even more infected with malware.  Other sites want to you upgrade which means you probably have some kinda of malware on your system to begin with.   These sites are what I call scareware and will always try to scare you into either buying or installing software.   These sites don’t do anything else but try to make money or get your system infected for them to use.  A couple of these sites require you to quit out of your browser by going to your Taskmanager.   These fake antivirus softwares don’t really protect your system at all but only to annoy the end user into giving these guys a free ride. Two of the sites are now redirecting to Adult Friend Finder, but still should be avoided because of the possibility of an exploit code trying to take over you computer.

Threat to System : Moderate


Advice : Do a Complete system scan and make sure you don’t have any more hidden malware. You never know what else is on your system.

I recommend :


List of Malware sites for July 25, 2009


All Of these sites listed below are active and should not be visited:

  • (Now Redirecting to Adult Friend Finder)
  • (Now Redirecting to Adult Friend Finder)

These sites listed try to get you to download a program sometimes called install.exe, Setup.exe, and are most likely just a way to get you even more infected with malware.  Other sites want to you upgrade which means you probably have some kinda of malware on your system to begin with.   These sites are what I call [intlink id=”3805″ type=”post”]scareware[/intlink] and will always try to scare you into either buying or installing software.   These sites don’t do anything else but try to make money or get your system infected for them to use.  A couple of these sites require you to quit out of your browser by going to your Taskmanager.   These fake antivirus softwares don’t really protect your system at all but only to annoy the end user into giving these guys a free ride. Two of the sites are now redirecting to Adult Friend Finder, but still should be avoided because of the possibility of an exploit code trying to take over you computer.

Threat to System : Moderate


Advice : Do a Complete system scan and make sure you don’t have any more hidden malware.

I recommend :


Updated list of scareware Sites 7/24/09

As you have read in my Previous post:

  • [intlink id=”4002″ type=”post”]More Fake Antivirus Sites Pop up[/intlink]
  • [intlink id=”3990″ type=”post”]Don’t Take it Personal, It’s just Fake Antivirus[/intlink]
  • [intlink id=”3964″ type=”post”]More Personal Antivirus Fake or Scareware sites[/intlink]

I figured we would update those list with some more that came out yesterday or Wednesday.   I will probably be keeping this up. This will help people find out domains that should be avoided.


So here are a few that I’ve found:


All those are [intlink id=”3607″ type=”post”]Personal Antivirus scareware sites[/intlink] that try to convince you that you have a virus and tries to get you to buy a registered copy of this fake Antivirus which does nothing.  They make money by not doing anything.  These sites might also try to get you to install the fake software which in reality is a Trojan, Virus, Or just Malware all together.  You should never install software from sites you don’t know anything about.

Threat to System :Moderate


Advice : Do a Complete system scan and make sure you don’t have any more hidden malware.

I recommend :
